
Dedicated to Changing Lives and Giving
Hope to the Hopeless.

Men's Shelter Program

Giving hope to the hopeless

Joshua's Haven City Mission provides on-site temporary, emergency shelter for homeless men in the community. Once they have met all clearances they are offered a clean, safe environment where they can sleep, take a shower, get a hot meal, and take advantage of supportive and spiritual services at the mission. Men's Ministry Staff and Resident Assistants are on site during all the hours of operation.

The Mission is open from 1:00 pm - 8:00 am, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Exodus Program

Finding purpose through employment

The Exodus Program at Joshua's Haven City Mission is designed to help residents conduct a structured job search using Job Readiness services offered by agencies like CareerLink and Mercer County Community Action Partnership. Weekly case management addresses individual goals and needs.


Advantage Stay

helping with a smooth transition

The Advantage Stay Program is assists residents who are presently receiving income from employment, social security, unemployment, and pensions transition to permanent housing. Weekly case management addresses individual goals and needs.

Spiritual Programs

bringing the life-changing gospel of jesus christ to the poor

The Spiritual Programs offered to residents are vital to Joshua's Haven City Mission's vision and mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those in need. Chapel Services are offered to residents every Tuesday and Saturday with Pastor Sherry Swetz, Pastor Mike Harris, Teacher Frank Harringer, Rev. Cary Parson, and Rev. Jerry Graham. The community is welcome for a Bible Study service on Thursdays from 7:00-8:00 pm.

Bread Program

For I was hungry, and you gave me food

The Bread Program offers free bread and other small items to those in need every Saturday from 10:30am -12:30pm at Joshua's Haven City Mission.



Volunteer your time for one of the many worthy programs and events at Joshua's Haven City Mission.

Email Joshua's haven to sign up



make a difference

Make a Contribution: Your monetary donation to Joshua's Haven City Mission is crucial to fund daily operations, services, and programs.

Donate a Meal: Sign up for one day each month to prepare and donate a meal to the Mission. It can be a pot of soup or stew, spaghetti and meatballs, or a casserole dish.

Donate Necessities: Joshua's Haven City Mission is always in need of consumables like laundry soap, cleaning products, paper towels, and more. Visit our donation page for a complete list of items.

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