Our Mission
Founded by John and Sherry (Masotto) Swetz, Joshua's Haven City Mission is a faith-based ministry dedicated to bringing the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor, needy, and homeless by providing food, shelter, support services, and spiritual programs.
Learn more about our programs, events, or medical clinic
Our executive board ▸
Pastor Sherry Masotto Swetz, President/Founder/Executive Director
Pastor John Swetz, Vice President/Founder/Director of Men's Ministry
Jeffrey Mills, Treasurer
Pamela Evakich, Secretary
Mark Ferrara
Annette Bermudez
James Bird
Dale Fisher
Aaron Listopod, DO, Medical Director Joshua's Haven Clinic
Advisory board▸
Rev. Cherrie Andres
Martin Johns, MD, UPMC Family Practice Residency Director
Volunteer your time for one of the many worthy programs and events at Joshua's Haven City Mission.
Email Joshua's haven to sign up ▸
make a difference
Make a Contribution: Your monetary donation to Joshua's Haven City Mission is crucial to fund daily operations, services, and programs.
Donate a Meal: Sign up for one day each month to prepare and donate a meal to the Mission. It can be a pot of soup or stew, spaghetti and meatballs, or a casserole dish.
Donate Necessities: Joshua's Haven City Mission is always in need of consumables like laundry soap, cleaning products, paper towels, and more. Visit our donation page for a complete list of items.